
Peer-review process

All articles submitted to JRCM undergo a thorough double-blind peer-review. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers.

The following scheme illustrates the editorial workflow of JRCM:

  • As a first screening step, the submissions are technically assessed to ensure adherence to the policies, guidelines, and instructions of the journal, including the ethics integrity and language requirements. 
  • Submissions are evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief for the scope, and if approved, they are assigned to the Section Editor for scientific evaluation.
  • The assigned editor consults Associate Editors and invites experts to review the submitted manuscript. All submissions are reviewed by three independent reviewers. JRCM follows a double-blinded peer-review process.  
  • After evaluations, one of the following decisions are made by the assigned editor based on the reviewers’ comments and suggestions: 
    1. Accepted without revisions 
    2. Minor revisions required
    3. Major revisions required 
    4. Rejected 
  • Once a revision is requested, the authors have 6 weeks to revise the manuscript and provide a point-by-point response to the reviewers' comments.

Reviewers should consult our "For reviewers" page for more information. 

The average time from submission to publication in the Journal of Clinical Research in Medicine is six months.




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Prof. Dr. Samad Shams Vahdati 

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