
Instruction for Reviewers

An invitation letter will be sent to the selected reviewers along with the manuscript’s blinded information, where the reviewer can accept or reject the project. The reviewers will be notified about the expected time of submitting the review report. If the reviewer accepts the project, the blinded manuscript will be available to view and download through the reviewer panel (https://jrcm.tbzmed.ac.ir/Login), where the reviewer could also provide their comments and suggestions.
The Journal of Research in Clinical Medicine (JRCM) follows a double-blinded peer review process, and the reviewers are expected to keep anonymity in their comments.
The reviewer should reject the project if any financial or non-financial conflict of interests is present.
The manuscript’s information and data should be held confidential by the reviewer and not shared with anyone without the agreement of the involved editor and authors, both during the review and after publication.
Reviewers are expected to follow the deadline and provide comments on the expected time.
Special comments, including the comments and concerns regarding the ethical issues, plagiarism and fraud suspicion, comments that might reveal the reviewer’s identity, and comments that might be inappropriate for the authors, should be sent directly to the editor.
If a revision is requested after the first round of review, the reviewers might be invited to review the revised manuscript.
If any conflict of interests is detected during the review process or through the reviewers’ comments, including any suggestion to cite the reviewer’s previous publications, the review process will be terminated immediately.




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