J Anal Res Clin Med. 2013;1(1): 25-31.
doi: 10.5681/jarcm.2013.004
  Abstract View: 1520
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Original Research

The situation analysis of the international relations management and inter-university collaboration in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran, during the years 2005-2010

Alireza Farajollahi 1, Abolghasem Amini 2, Mohammad Reza Rashidi 3, Abbas Shahbazi 4, Saber Azami-Aghdash 5*

1 Associate Professor, Medical Education Research Center, Department of Medical Physics, School of Medicine, Tabriz University of
2 Professor, Medical Education Research Center, Department of Medical Education, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
3 Professor, Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (RCPN), Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, Tabriz
4 Associate Professor, Research Center of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Department of Parasitological, Tabriz University of Medical
5 Tabriz Health Services Management Research Center, Department of Health Services Management, School of Management and
*Corresponding Author: Email: saberazami@yahoo.com


BACKGROUND: Nowadays, with the development of science and communication, collaboration with other countriesand universities seems inevitable to universities. The aim of this study was to analyze the situation of internationalrelations management and inter-university collaboration (IRM-IUC) in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUMS),Iran, during the years 2005-2010. METHODS: In this descriptive study, one checklist was used for analysis of the inter-university collaboration management and another one for the situation analysis of international relations management which included 4 sections itself. There were a total of 56 questions designed and developed through literature review and the expert panel.RESULTS: The results indicated the poor performance of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in the international relations management and inter-university collaboration fields. Most of the reviewed items had not been adequatelypaid attention to in the management of international relations and only one out of 14 evaluated items was considered inthe field of inter-university collaboration. CONCLUSIONS: In line with the overall globalization process, education and research have also become globalizedprocesses, and as a result, it is necessary for universities to develop effective ties and relationships with otherorganizations. However, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences has not been doing quite optimally in this regard. Thus,it is suggested that, based on the shortcomings pointed out in this study, new appropriate plans and policies be set todevelop fruitful and effective relations and correspondences with other universities and countries. 
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Submitted: 25 Jun 2013
Accepted: 23 Aug 2013
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