J Anal Res Clin Med. 2015;3(4): 231-235. doi: 10.15171/jarcm.2015.036

Original Research

Growth hormone deficiency in cleft lip and palate patients

Shahin AbdollahiFakhim 1, Gholamreza Bayazian 2 * , Siamak Shiva 3, Mojtaba Sohrabpour 4, Younes Ebrahimzade 4

Cited by CrossRef: 4

1- Cesur E, Altug A, Toygar‐Memikoglu U, Gumru‐Celikel D, Tagrikulu B, Erbay E. Assessment of sella turcica area and skeletal maturation patterns of children with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Orthod Craniofacial Res. 2018;21(2):78 [Crossref]
2- Antonarakis G, Huanca Ghislanzoni L, La Scala G, Fisher D. Sella turcica morphometrics in children with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Orthod Craniofacial Res. 2020;23(4):398 [Crossref]
3- Nachmani A, Masalha M, Biadsee A, Nageris B, Ben-Dov T, Kassem F. Differences in craniofacial morphology between platybasic and nonplatybasic patients with velopharyngeal dysfunction and control subjects. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2022;162(1):e5 [Crossref]
4- Antonarakis G, Huanca Ghislanzoni L, Fisher D. Sella turcica dimensions and maxillary growth in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2022;123(6):e916 [Crossref]




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