Afshar Zomorrodi

, Kamaleddin Hassanzadeh
1 Kidney Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Kidney transplantation is accepted as the first choice treatment of chronic renal failure. While urologic complication is the most common surgical complication after kidney transplantation, femoral nerve injury is very rare, which in our department with 1500 kidney transplantation experiences between 1992 and 2019, we had only two reported cases of femoral mononeuropathy. A 55 years old woman with a duration of 4 years’ dialysis (her donor was her son) and a female with the age of 45 years and duration of 3 years’ dialysis (her donor was a cadaver) instantly after kidney transplant operation symptoms of femoral nerve injury were detected, which were the loss of knee jerk reflex, reduced resistance of knee and not being able to give the flexion position to the knee when standing or walking. The femoral nerve injury may be self-limited and it looks preventable with a careful handling of the pelvic iliac artery and gentle placement of the retractor and less time of ischemic and careful hemostasis.