Mehdi Haghdoost

, Lily Ansari, Hamid Owaysee Osquee
1 Department of Infectious Disease, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Introduction: Rapid and accurate diagnosis of the disease can have many effects on the healing and recovery of patients, so we decided to investigate the accuracy of Brucella capture diagnosis with Coombs-Wright in patients with brucellosis.
Materials and Methods: The present study was descriptive and on patients who were referred to clinics with symptoms of brucellosis. Blood samples were taken from all patients. Patient information including age, sex, response to Coombs, Coombs Wright, and Brucella capture tests, as well as patient response to treatment, were entered into a pre-prepared checklist. After obtaining laboratory tests for serological tests, patients were finally included in all patient information, including demographic information, laboratory tests, and analyzed by SPSS v16.
Results: This study was performed on 91 patients with brucellosis with a mean age of 34.6 years and 75.8% male. In this study, 84.6% of patients showed a positive Coombs test and 26.4% of patients showed a titer of 1.80. 85.7% of the patients showed positive Coombs Wright test and 29.7% of the patients had a titer of 160.1. In the study of Brucella capture tests in patients, 98.9% of patients showed a positive test, of which 34.1% had a titer of 1.60% of the test.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the Brucella capture test is a powerful test for the diagnosis of brucellosis, and in the same condition, patients are more likely to be diagnosed with two Wright and Coombs-Wright tests.